Most of the toothpastes being sold in the country these days are available in plastic laminated tubes. It is hard to remember that they were sold in aluminum tubes only a decade ago. These lami tubes are lightweight, soft, and easy to use for the end consumers. Because of their advantages over earlier packaging tubes, laminated tubes are being used by all oral health care companies. Antilla Propack is the biggest manufacturer and supplier of these laminated tubes to its clients not just in India but also in many other countries.
The laminated tubes made at the manufacturing unit of Antilla Propack are very high quality and meet the guidelines and specifications of its clients. The company employs costly, world class standard machines and a trained workforce that ensures consistency in these tubes. Our lami tubes are made using 3-5 layers of different laminates and they contain a barrier layer in between that is either EVOH or aluminum. Availability of these tubes are from 16mm to 35mm diameters.
This barrier layer keeps the contents inside the tube safe from contamination through oxygen, sunlight, and moisture. Our tubes are made under hygienic conditions so that they remain fit for storage of toothpastes. This is why most toothpaste manufacturers prefer our lami tubes over tubes made by our competitors.
Excellent features :