All pharmaceutical companies are using different kinds of laminated tubes for packaging of their semi solid medications. These tubes are non toxic and keep the contents safe during the lifetime of the ointment. These tubes are also very convenient for the end consumers as they are easy to store and use.
Many companies in India are today making pharmaceutical ointment tubes but the name of Antilla Propack remains at the top of this list. The company is manufacturing and exporting its tubes product to pharmaceutical companies in India, China, Dubai, Nepal, UK, USA and also in some other countries of the world.
Antilla Propack makes world class laminated tubes in its manufacturing unit where latest machinery and state of the art technology is used. The company realizes the importance of safe and hygienic conditions for making pharma ointment laminated tubes as these tubes are used by patients to get relief from their ailments. Our products are made using non toxic raw materials so that they never react with the compounds put inside them. They also do not cause any allergy to patients. It is because of these reasons that pharmaceutical companies rate these products of Antilla Propack very highly.